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Strategy of effective practice

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    06-01-01 Effective practice is the practice of small and irreversible changes

    Effective practice is a practice of small irreversible changes. The advancement starts being serious when a spasmodic wish of milestone accomplishments ceases, and you make small, but actual steps, changing a pattern after a pattern, a perception after a perception. Every such step has the following attributes:

    1) There is a full, 100% clarity of what exactly you want to do.

    2) It is not significant, this is why there are no doubts (or hardly any doubts) that you can do it.

    3) There is a happy wish to make this step. It is not reasoned by FSI, because FSI will not be satisfied by such an “insignificant” meal like a small step.

    4) If you achieved a result, there is a feeling of triumph, your anticipation, persistence and determination intensify.

    5) Often new clarity may appear and new EPs may be revealed.

    As soon as you get this experience of the practice by small steps, your ambitious, but vain dreams of great acts languish, while anticipation, foretaste, enthusiasm, persistence and determination only grow stronger.

    People that are immersed deep in distresses and want only to pretend they have reached enlightenment, disregard small results and have a dismissive and sarcastic attitude. To the question about the results of their practice such people (feeling irritated) reply that only cats are quick to have kittens, as for practicing – results are not so fast and easily achieved. If you tell them that you have learnt to perfectly get rid of irritation caused by pressing a wrong button on the computer, they will tell you in response that this is nonsense not deserving of attention, and their plans are different, so small things do not interest them, they endeavor at complete enlightenment. The more a person is insincere, hypocritical and sticking to distresses, the less significant for him the small steps are.

    The resonating image: a thread that is pulled from a wide strip of material. You pull only one thread, but it affects the whole piece as the tension is lost. When you make a small step, you discover that it affects other spheres of your life. When you make this small irreversible change, it slightly relieves your other distresses, and intensity and profoundness of EPs increase.

    Report to yourself regularly what exactly the solutions you anticipate today, this week.

    06-01-02 Position of “a hunter and a naturalist”

    I want to concentrate to maximum in the process of the practice of consolidation, which means not to miss a second, because this is when a NE can get through. Thus you work out “the position of a hunter and a naturalist”: a hunter for the smallest NEs and a young naturalist, tracking EPs that appear in a form of small splashes while the hunter mercilessly and passionately is searching and eradicating NEs, recording each act of eradication.

    During the practice of consolidation there may appear:

    *) Boredom (because I do not have my usual impressions) – to be sent into the hunter’s quarry

    *) Wish of impressions – splits into NEs (to be sent to the hunter’s quarry) and PEs caused by the hunter’s success, from the splashes of EPs (supports the naturalist, even though mechanically)

    *) NEs, regularly triggered by chaotic distractions. I did not notice them earlier, but now I see that many ChD are the source of NEs that are possible to be seen only through the microscope of consolidation (to be sent to the hunter’s quarry).

    *) NEs caused by the fact that EPs do not appear (to quarry of the hunter)

    *) Anticipation of expecting PEs, of their appearing, for the process of consolidation (to the park of a naturalist).

    06-01-03 Investigation

    Investigation is a complex of actions aimed at achieving object-orientated clarity. Investigation, search of discovery and the discovery are accompanied with anticipation. Anticipation is especially radiant if it appears with EPs, especially unknown earlier, also while investigating EPs, this is why it’s not surprising that EPs resonate with the happy wish to investigate, which consequently brings clarity and acceleration of travelling in the world of EPs.

    Ingredients of investigation:

    1) Identify as clear as possible the object and the topic of your investigation.

    2) Make a list of everything that relates to the object under investigation and can be of any significance for the result and refresh the list regularly.

    3) Re-live the state or the process under investigation many times.

    4) Make efforts of differentiating the processes and perceptions.

    5) Make thorough records and descriptions of your new discoveries, whether it is a rational clarity or a new EP.

    Support this active state of “a hunter” and “a naturalist” all through the process of investigation.

    06-01-04 Dragon scheme, lines, petals and inflorescences

    One of the techniques to have a look at the practice of the direct path as a whole is to create a scheme that includes the most significant elements. For example, “a scheme of the dragon”:

    1) The basis of this scheme are “a hunter” and “a naturalist”.

    2) A hunter and a naturalist are perfect (which means their activity is of the maximum efficiency) if they have four qualities:

    *) attentiveness [to what they hunt for]

    *) determination [to do what they want to do]

    *) persistence (the capability of acting for a long time)

    *) anticipation [of the result from hunting]

    (These 4 qualities designate any EPs of a corresponding line).

    3) The hunter and the naturalist intensify the glitter of the four qualities, if there are four favourable factors:

    *) efforts to generate EPs.

    Generating EPs gives the best support to the quality of “anticipation”. усилия порождения ОзВ.

    *) investigating, recording, correcting and making descriptions. These are the lists of everything that relates to the current practice – happy wishes, content of the enlightened base (EPs appearing at least from time to time), enlightened factors, formal practices records, hypothesis, resonating descriptions of EPs and so on.

    “Lists records” support the quality “attentiveness”.

    *) “Spurring”. Little by little the effect of different unfavourable factors can accumulate and it will reduce the intensity of EPs, obscure clarity, increase prosiness and satisfaction and you can go on without noticing it. It is like when you live with your child, you do not notice how he is growing. “Spurring” is the injection of enthusiasm and furiousness, checking your sincerity.

    “Spurring” supports the quality of “persistence”.

    *) “self-sufficiency” is a position of a sole warrior, of freedom from attachment to people, including the practitioners, it is a position of a person that will continue his journey in any circumstances.

    “Self-sufficiency” supports the quality of “determination”.

    4) The hunter and the naturalist keep the glitter of these four qualities providing there are no unwelcome factors like:

    *) Mechanical wish of impressions. It impacts negatively on “persistence”.

    *) Light-grey state and looming NB. It provides a negative impact on “anticipation”.

    *) Looming tiredness and sleepiness. It provides a negative impact on “attentiveness”.

    *) Satisfaction. It affects “determination”.

    5) Substructure:

    It consists of 5 positions, each of them represents the optimum practice for each skandha (type of perceptions).

    *) “Stalking” (skandha of emotions – a cleanup of NEs, NB, NA, NES, generating EPs). See chapter dedicated to stalking.

    *) “Asceticism” (skandha of wishes – a cleanup of mechanical wishes, generating happy wishes). See chapter dedicated to asceticism.

    *) “Stillness” (skandha of thoughts – a cleanup of chaotic inner dialogue, generating rational clarity). See chapter dedicated to eradication of the ID.

    *) “Siddhas” (skandha of senses – a cleanup of negative senses, generating physical experiences). See chapter dedicated to PhEs.

    *) “Enlightened differentiation” (skandha of differentiating conscience – a cleanup of mechanical differentiation using the technique “not-rivers, not-mountains” and others, generating enlightened differentiating conscience). See chapter dedicated to EDC.

    6) Enlightened foundation. It is a complex of all EPs that reveal from time to time.

    7) Five basic Experiences (means ecstatic EPs) – five peaks that tower over the sea of EPs.

    8) Samadhi – synthesis of the five Experiences – the door to incredible states.

    The complex of these eight elements is “the scheme of the dragon”.

    The hunter and the naturalist take the central place in the scheme of the dragon, and the investigation is just one of the four favourable factors. This emphasis leads to the most rapid advancement in the journey of EPs. The position of “a scientist” that has the investigation in the central place, all the rest is around it or missed completely, is extremely ineffective, attention is not devoted or not enough devoted to the factors that make investigation impossible if they are missed.

    We can replace this description with a more laconic diagram: e.g. in the center there are two letters “h” and “n”, that mean the hunter and the naturalist. These two letters are in the center of the circumference that has at the same distance in between them four abbreviations, designating four qualities. To the left and to the right from the circumference there is on each side one column consisting of four lines. From the left side: favourable factors, from the right side: unfavourable factors. A horizontal line at the bottom is the foundation. An ark that covers the diagram from above, means an enlightened base with Experiences and Samadhi. While I remember this diagram, I will replace it with an even more laconic pictogram, which is a prototype of a hieroglyph: “h n” are in the center. Around is a circumference with four dots that are bold at equal distances from each other. To the left there is a column of four pluses, to the right a column of four minuses. At the bottom there is a horizontal line, above – an ark.

    If there is a wish to enclose emotional undertones in the image, a symbol can be formed. This is what characterizes a symbol – you can enter in it as many details as you like. For example, it can be an image of a double-headed dragon (the hunter and the naturalist) with the left head having an expression of anticipation (anticipation of EPs) and the right head having a protective expression of a predator (hunting for distresses). The dragon has four wings (four qualities) and four paws – two forepaws and two hind paws. The left forepaw has four claws that clamp prey (control of four favourable factors). The right forepaw also has four claws that pull something away (control of the four unfavourable factors). Two hind paws are supported by a pentagon (a substructure of five practices, optimum for each skandha). Between two heads and above there is a crown with the following construction: a polygonal support (enlightened base) continues up in the form of five “pyramids” (five basic Senses) and between pyramids in the center there is a radiating orb of Samadhi.

    The dragon scheme fixes the priorities in the practice. If there is a steering wheel, wheels, engine and headlights and you use them chaotically either one or other, you will not drive too far. The dragon scheme assembles all the parts of the practice into the one and whole unity, your experience is crystallized and this is not just a figure of speech, this is the way it is revealed as a new quality of practice. There appears an extreme stability, independence from chaotic impulses, intensifying anticipation, your EPs are lasting and radiant and you achieve a state of “a unique goal”.

    Here I will use the analogy that Gurdzhiev once expressed (see P.D. Ouspensky “In the Quest of Miraculous”): an ordinary person is a colloidal mixture – fluid that has a huge number of heterogeneous particles in a suspended state. Any impact from outside shuffles the particles and those from the bottom move to the top and start managing the whole mixture until the next impact changes it. Practicing leads to crystallization – the most attractive states get together under the power of resonating, so called “gravitation”. They form stronger and tighter connections in the process of confrontation between the developing group of perceptions against the mechanical influences, until the degree of their tightness and concentration reaches a principally new level for a practitioner. This level is the process of crystallization that gives the community of EPs a special stability, plus absolutely new quality. It is in the same way like a crystal, which has been cultivated in a solution, has new qualities, principally different from the qualities of the solution. The dragon scheme is a reflection of such a process of crystallization.

    We will designate the combination of four qualities of the hunter and the naturalist with the term “intention” (I have borrowed this term from the books of Castaneda, because, from my point of view, it means exactly what I mean). Generating an intention is the outcome of the four qualities.

    Let us examine what qualities and factors will be affected first by the practices I have described (certainly this distribution will be very approximate, and some practices will produce a significant impact at a few qualities simultaneously). The table we receive due to this examination will bring understanding which sphere of practicing requires more of training, and then there may appear a wish to create techniques for development in the corresponding part of the dragon.


    Investigation of the concepts (this practice is time and effort consuming to search for arguments and counter arguments).

    Consolidation (it’s very difficult to support the efforts for a long period and to eradicate what you are used to and do not notice) – 15, 10-second recordings during a long period..


    Social experiments,

    Complying with 10 rules of happy wishes realization


    Language cleanup (it is very hard to watch what you say, your gestures and facial expressions),

    Getting rid of insanity in your everyday life (very hard to watch your smallest behaviour patterns)

    Continuous recording whether you experience EPs,

    Getting rid of the loud inner dialogue,

    Intellectual games


    Making lists of happy wishes,

    Realization of happy wishes,

    Making lists of enlightened factors,


    Light-Grey State

    Holding orgasms or having them rarely,

    Remembering and re-living of your personal story (discovering and bringing to light your multiple and deep-rooted NB, thus they will be available for eradication)


    Remembering about death,

    Direct eradication of satisfaction,


    Wish of impressions

    Recurring attention (attention is being brought back from CDs),

    Asceticism (gives freedom from attachment to mechanical spasmodic wishes),

    Direct eradication of mechanical wishes and generating happy wishes


    Realization of happy wishes,

    Physical exercises,

    Generating physical senses

    Making lists

    Practices that are directed to develop capabilities to see differentiating signs, divide into classes and integrate into groups, find and describe laws, combine calculate,

    Make descriptions of objects with a complex and heterogeneous structure, like a bush, a road leading somewhere, some person’s behaviour,

    Giving definitions to terms,


    Answers to questions, discussions, comments [on other practitioners’ messages],

    Writing articles [about completed investigations]

    Training in replacing interpretations (eradicates strict mechanical patterns of forming interpretations, in other words – dullness),


    Generating EPs

    Recurring perception (develops a pattern of eradicating NEs and experiencing EPs)

    Emotional polish (eliminates NB)

    Stalking (universal technique of total eradication of NEs),

    Getting rid of mechanical wishes,

    Practice of holding mechanical differentiating conscience (not-rivers, not-mountains, control of the moment of falling to sleep and so on),

    Continuous awareness of experiencing/not experiencing EPs.


    Hourly recording of practice results,

    5-10-15-second recordings, per minute recordings


    Awareness of absence (of overwhelming “I”, it destroys the illusion of loneliness),

    Getting rid of imagining additional qualities [for people, especially “close” and interesting to you]

    Recurring change of personalities (eradicates attachment to your personality),

    You can complete the image of the dragon – draw scales on the wings that relate to the quality of the hunter and the naturalist, and every scale will have a three letter abbreviation. Every abbreviation will designate some practice directed to the development of the corresponding prioritized quality or associated with it favourable or unfavourable factor.

    On the foundation I offer to write a logo (or a symbol which will be clear to a snout) which is actual for a moment for a snout, for example:

    Whatever other snouts practice,

    Whatever their fears and expectations are,

    Whatever the circumstances, wins or losses are,

    I will keep practicing,

    I will proceed with my journey.


    Let us examine making lists in detail. I like divide lists into (a) permanent and (b) to be updated daily. Permanent lists are approximately like the following:

    *) Sexual fantasies that are possible to realize

    *) Sexual fantasies that are impossible to realize

    *) People that you wanted something from + people that wanted something from you.

    *) EPs that you know and that are distributed by lines

    *) Enlightened factors for different EPs

    *) Investigations to be conducted in future

    *) Happy wishes to be realized in future

    *) Concerns about future

    *) List of dreads that I had had in my life, that came to fruition and how I estimated the undesirable outcome later.

    *) List of discoveries by days of the week for the whole period of keeping reports

    Approximate daily lists:

    *) Happy wishes today

    *) Investigations that are interesting now

    *) Recording of formal practices for today

    *) What mechanical wishes have been revealed today

    *) EPs that have been revealed today

    *) Physical experiences of today

    *) Discoveries of today

    *) Reports every 2 hours

    EPs lines model seems to be good only when there are not too many of EPs, but when their number increases, it becomes obvious that this model is not satisfactory, because the perceptions of one line can appear simultaneously or may not appear at all and it does not fit our “line” association as something consecutive. These two facts that EPs of one line can appear simultaneously or may not appear at all, as well as that there may be lines of different plans within one sector of experiencing, lead to a wish to find a better model, and this is the model of inflorescences. The best analogy here is switching on the gas ring on the stove, when one flicker of the flame starts after another and they can burn all simultaneously (i.e. revealed), or only some of them. In this model the idea of a line does not disappear completely, as it identifies the consecutiveness of the petals along the circumference, i.e. the consecutiveness how one petal starts another.

    Sometimes just one EP is enough to open and form a whole structure of inflorescences. Next chapter contains a detailed list of EPs.

    Speaking metaphorically, the pin point of each petal of the inflorescences is like a flame tail, i.e. every EP acquires ecstatic quality with an intensity increase – ecstatic amiability, ecstatic persistence and so on. The intensity of the EPs develops to the ecstatic quality at the point of 8 in a 10point scale. Any EP can reach ecstatic quality, and the higher it is in the line, the easier this quality is achieved.

    Achievement of the ecstatic quality means touching the sphere of “blending” – a process of experiences synthesis leading to Samadhi.

    I recommend that a big post is made with the list of EPs distributed by sectors, and sectors divided into inflorescences and lines. Display it on the wall to be able to be viewed, also have the list in a note pad or a pocket PC to be available always. At first there will be an inertia of reluctance to find the EPs position in this scheme, but because it promotes EPs stability and increases EPs frequency and qualities, then a corresponding happy wish will soon reveal.

    Often EPs reveal in pairs, intensifying each other and clearing impurities. They also bring new undertones that cannot be amounted to a simple adding up of the qualities of the pair. Pairs can be of one line (from one petal), from different lines (neighbouring petals) and integrated (from different sectors). Following the pairs more difficult complexes of EPs can appear – “chords”.

    06-01-05 Restraining factors and guards

    In the process of eradicating the mechanical wishes and cultivation of happy wishes, one more clarity of a great significance appears – as it turns out, my complex of perceptions includes a whole group of wishes that function only as a restraint of happy wishes. The soil for this stuff is fear. Different fears that go back to the birth, these fears nurture this restraint. The fears include:

    а) fear of disappointment that a desirable result will not be achieved

    b) fear to change – the most conservative fear that intensifies a mechanical wish to leave everything as it is.

    c) fear of all new

    d) number of other small fears.

    Combined impact of such a restraint (that is understood as a combination of mechanical fears to change) reveals as an inability have a very strong wish. When I have a happy wish, sometimes there appears a feeling as if something is holding me “by the throat” and pulls me back, thus causing an obstruction to intensify the wish. As if with one arm I am pulling myself forward, with another – back. And so it is.

    As a result of practicing, the impact of the restraint will decrease, because both eradication of NEs and generating EPs work, though slowly but efficiently. But maybe it will be possible to find some special, specifically directed techniques that will counteract the restraint.

    Of great significance is the fact that the practitioner is aware of the restraint, that this group of mechanical wishes is insulated from the general complex of the grey background that looms over the practitioner from time to time, because now there is a new happy wish in the complex of perceptions – a wish to stand against the restraint and get rid of it (those that do not practice and do not experience EPs, may not bother – we do not talk of eliminating a restraint for wishes relating to violence, destruction, having power and so on, but about wishes of affection, enjoyment, amiability, spaciousness and so on). This kind of a wish could not appear earlier, before the restraint insulation. But as we know – the fact of having this happy wish is already a driving power and it will lead to discovering new techniques of counteracting this restraint, to determination and persistence to follow through.

    This is how the challenge looks: at the moment I have certain EP of intensity 5. What causes an obstruction to me and prevents experiencing with the intensity of 10? Quite a weird question, in any case, when I asked myself, I felt surprised. What is it indeed? Looks like nothing prevents, I concentrate on anticipation, on the wish to intensify the EP… and I discover that the wish to intensify is not as strong as I want it to be. Very strange feeling – as if I am trying to break forth, but some bungee pulls me back, and the more actively I try to move forward, the stronger it pulls me back. The easiest way to feel this resistance is to try to intensify the wish of increasing the EP. This is a very obvious sense of springy elasticity. This elastic is one of the ingredients of the restraint – the fear of failure. Fear that I will not be able to experience the EP of the intensity that I want to experience. This fear of failure I call a guard number one on the path on the intention development. This guard chained determination, and thus hobbled the dragon.

    For decades you experienced disappointment from failures, and the fear of failures increased all these years, it castrates happy wishes, as this is the easiest way to avoid disappointments. The less you want something, the weaker are the fears not to achieve, the smaller disappointment is in case of failure. When you want something very much, you become nervous, tie yourself in knots, and if something goes wrong, it can be a disaster and upsets you for months, even years. Now, when you try to increase rapidly the wish of radiant EPs, you strike a barrier keeping you from suffering. It does not care that you are not a victim now, you are a warrior that is going to hammer on one and the same thing until achieve what you want. It does not care, that you have a hunter trained to eradicate perfectly even a slight trace of NEs. Fear comes automatically, it kills determination, nearly all of it, leaving maybe a small fragment, and in order to eliminate this mechanism I offer you at first have to understand it, and secondly, start eradicate it with a straightforward effort.

    First what you have to understand, is the notion of “failure” and differentiate it from the notion of “bad luck”. An ordinary person NEVER experiences failures, because by definition a failure is a result of efforts aimed at intensifying desirable states, and an ordinary person never makes any efforts, he is a toy in the power of a random stack of circumstances. An ordinary person cannot make choices as he is not a master of his life. If he protects something, this happens only due to a certain mechanism that has been developed, he cannot behave differently. If he gives away something, again it is only because he has to, due to the pattern, which has been formed before. An ordinary person is not the one who ACTS, who makes effort, because in my terminology an effort – is an act of an enlightened conscience, an act of overpowering the mechanical patterns. The source of an effort is not in a group of mechanical circumstances, but in a complex of EPs, any perception from within the line of anticipation, which cannot be revealed by an ordinary person that have stagnated in distresses, NEs, concepts, mechanical wishes and is not even trying to get rid of them and who does not suspect it is possible to get rid of them. When an ordinary person says he makes an effort, it is just a confusion of terms. If due to the concepts and NEs you have to exert yourself, then this is precisely the exertion, but not the effort, and the result of more or less chaotic actions will be either by luck or bad luck. The circumstances develop this or that way, and you will interpret them as lucky or not lucky, having no reasons for that, as something that happens now can make you happy, and in an hour the consequences of that event can make you suffer. An ordinary man does not aspire towards EPs, he does not know what he wants, because wanting something means being free from distresses and feel happy wishes, which is impossible for an ordinary person as he is encircled by distresses. This is why when he receives something, it is always not exactly what he wants, or not what he desires at all, because he simply does not know – what it is exactly that he desires. An ordinary person always strives for some comfort, peace, pleasures, but he does not realize – what it is that he wants exactly, as he cannot liberate himself from NEs, concepts, fears, dullness and does not experience EPs and happy wishes. If he achieves his goals, then it does not bring the desirable relief, it does not make his life interesting, and even if it does, it is not for long, and after he again starts to fall into a deep hole of dullness and NEs. This is why obtaining the desirable result does not guarantee a liberation from the fear of losing it. If a young girl wants to have a husband, then, after getting married and being in love, she suffers from jealousy, the lack of her husband’s attention and so on, because the husband will not stifle dullness and stupidity, unavoidably it will culminate in a crisis and consequent submerging in complete darkness of boredom and prosiness, as NEs devour anything and everything. This is a horrible state, an enclosed circle of everlasting sufferings with no escape, except making efforts to eradicate distresses and achieve EPs. Those people that are scared of hell, are funny – they do not realize that they live in it for a long time already, it is everlasting and unavoidable until they make an effort to stop it, which means an effort to get out of the circle of distresses.

    To sum it up: an ordinary person never makes an effort, he is just tossed from side to side and he exerts himself only because he is forced to do it. An ordinary person never has failures, only bad luck, because a failure is a result of an effort according to the definition, as for luck or bad luck – it is an unreasoned interpretation of a mechanical coincidence of circumstances.

    In case of efforts it’s all different. If you made an effort and experienced EPs, then this very experience is the goal, the meaning and the content of the moment, and in no circumstances it can lose any of its value, which means this achievement is impossible to lose. More than that! If you made an effort and failed, in some wonderful way it is still a step forward. I want to attract your attention – it is not interpreted as a step forward, it is indeed a step forward, as this is how it is experienced. If a person does not give up after his first failures, if he has strong enough motivation to cease living in distresses and has strong aspirations towards EPs, then effort after effort, failures with rare victories, he will surely notice sooner or later that failures make him stronger. If today I made a hundred efforts to eradicate NEs and got rid of only 5, then tomorrow I will feel more confident, and in a week even more confident. Experience that is acquired due to the efforts does not disappear! Speaking generally, efforts never lead to failure, they bring success, and only sometimes this success is called a failure, when the result is not achieved and sometimes it is called a victory when the result is achieved. The practitioner is now aware that of course victory brings you wings, but a failure inspires you as well, it means there was an effort, which is in any case a step forward, something wonderful was experienced, a pattern of not giving up to NEs was intensified, a pattern of making an effort.

    Let us return to guide number one. It reveals when we speak of luck or bad luck, but when we speak of making an effort, the guide becomes vulnerable and helpless. It is just there, standing and waiting, because nobody thrusts him away. A practitioner that is aware what the matter is, knows, that firstly, this guard can be pushed away, and secondly, it won’t be a hard task, no harder than an ordinary eradication of NEs, because the clarity of difference between a failure and bad luck will disarm the guard and reveal its false documents, its license is issued to protect us from mechanical wishes of luck, not from happy wishes of achieving results in the practice. The guard is supposed to protect us from upsets and disappointments, it has been created by the mechanisms of primitive self-regulation, but now we do not need its services, the hunter handles this task in an incredibly more effective way than the castration of happy wishes.

    This knowledge makes me well armed for the eradication of guard number one.

    The first weapon, as was said earlier, is the happy wish of eradication, that now can be revealed as I have been able to differentiate it as a separate object.

    The second weapon is a direct effort to get rid of the “bungee tail” pulling me back. When I generate my effort to intensify happy wishes and other EPs, I simultaneously “chop off the tail” – make a specific effort of eradicating the fear of failure. The technique of making this effort is similar to the technique of emotional polish, there is nothing new or complicated in it, this is why the result will be immediate – a sharp splash of all EPs qualities, revealing a whole cluster of new undertones and combinations, intensifying the castle of the hunter and the naturalist, a step forward on the way to create a powerful intention.

    The third weapon is developing the pattern of experiencing anticipation and joy when you have failed. Every time when you were not successful to perfectly eradicate NEs, you have a choice either to experience new NEs, or, providing you have the above described clarity and good experience of making the effort, feel admiration and anticipation of taking a step forward, of having freedom from NEs and failure, of awareness that all is open for you.

    I also recommend that you practice the technique of mechanical change, because the concept of failures and bad luck identity can be very strong. For example you can repeat the phrase “failure is a result of an effort, it is a step forward”, or any other that resonates anticipation.

    The more efforts, the sweeter the failure is.

    The more effective the neutralization of guard number one, the more rapid EPs splashes, and the sooner you will face guard number two – resistance to changes. It ties the feet and hands of your persistence, thus hobbling your dragon and increasing its effectiveness. This obstacle can be called “the inertia of blackness”. It reveals as a swampy inert dark raw mass that suddenly covers the practitioner and absorbs all sounds and colours. In EPs climax, when, as it seems, nothing can stop you in your impetuous advancement, suddenly an apathy and a foggy haziness roll over you. It is not the drabness, not the light-grey state, it has no signs and it is revealed as viscous wishing of nothing. If you are trapped in it, you return to the previous state – your EPs decrease to a level, still a bit higher than before you eliminated guard number one. Like the first guard, the second is overpowered due to differentiation, clarity, happy wishes and determination. Persistence is supported with formal practices, and it is good to increase their rate in general practice while counteracting the dark viscous inertia. This confrontation with the dark inertia is similar to advancing in jelly of deep indifference after two sleepless nights. But this obstacle is possible to overpower.

    In the process of generating and investigating EPs (and overpowering the first two guards) sometimes splashes of EPs are so rapid, the EPs – both new and those you know – are literally falling in your head like an avalanche, and this is when face guard number three. When the radiant, to catching your breath, EPs are flowing into each other and continue without ceasing (maybe only sometimes just for a few seconds) for an hour, two hours or three and escalate to an ecstatic quality, it seems you are going to be dilacerated from delight, and in certain time a decreasing power of a new type comes on scene, which is more similar to a specific tiredness with oxygen oversaturation. This is how I will call it – “tiredness from oversaturation with EPs”. It is not accompanied with unpleasant senses, and this is my advice – eradicate it and advance. Overpower your tiredness completely, indulge in every second of radiant EPs – this is the first time you stick out your nose from a stuffy room and enjoy the clean air of a forest and breathe to the maximum to remember this experience and to know as many new EPs as possible thus making some surplus for the future, because every new EP is like a hook nailed into a wall for your happy wishes to have a chance to retain. It depends on many factors – how long you will be able to be at the top – one hour or a day, in any case there will be an unavoidable retreat as tiredness will accumulate. It is possible that in the process of EPs splash a physical transformation of the body will take place, may be it will happen later, but as a result of such “oxygen oversaturation” this effect will be easier and easier. It again depends on many factors how soon you will overpower guard number three. It can take two or three months, when these powerful splashes of EPs will go on for two or three days to change with retreats of a few days or even a week (especially in the beginning). The more perfect the eradication of NEs and the more active you are in the practice of consolidation and other formal practices, the shorter the periods of the retreats.

    There is no need to talk too much about guard number four – it is satisfaction, which fogs everything with its grey syrupy haze. There are EPs, everything is fine… and you do not notice as you fall to sleep in satisfaction and wake up only because EPs disappeared somewhere. Every time you pass the third guard, the mechanism of switching on the satisfaction starts without failure and if you underestimate the capabilities of satisfaction to unsettle your route, it can bring the worst failure, loss of EPs for days and days and intensifying the first three guards.

    When you overpower all four guards for the first time, you get on a new level of your practice, where, as it seems, you can generate and intensify EPs continuously and without any limits. It does not happen in reality, because overpowering the guards is not a one-timer, it is a gradual process, and if you achieved to overpower them now and had an explosion of EPs, then the more active and stronger it is, the more active the third and the fourth guards are. You will have to overcome them, but the retreat is unavoidable, after that you again mobilize your energy, anticipate and again pass the guards. There is nothing new in the problem – it is just not a developed pattern of experiencing lasting and radiant EPs, but while you practice, this pattern becomes stronger, you get used to more radiant and continuous EPs, this is also encouraged by your physical transformation.

    Every time you pass the guards, you get the conditions, when nothing causes obstacles for EPs! This is an amazing state, aspiration becomes triumphant and acquires stability, and this quality perfects more and more every time. In these conditions you will have a wish to practice “pressurizing aspiration”.

    To pressurize aspiration you can use resonating thinking about people that have achieved an incredible degree of freedom, reading Castaneda’s books with the description of ancient practitioners that lived for thousands years and travelled in boundless spaces of awareness; reading Buddhist books with description of practitioners that merged with the “magnificent light”; resonating phrases “incredible realization”, “endless spaces of awareness” and so on – all these resonate the feelings that eternity is open to you and nothing can stop you if you are perfect in your practice. It is an unbelievable feeling – when you do not fantasize about a boundless journey, do not experience satisfaction to overpower boredom, but you breathe the air of freedom and feel very stable in your new land.

    06-01-06 Positions and states

    Let us introduce the terms “position” and “state”. Position is a steady combination of perceptions which has been developed at this point in compliance with a [recorded] wish. State is a steady combination of perceptions which has been developed aside from a [recorded] wish. For example if I am practicing emotional polish, I suddenly experience the perception of the sphere of emptiness, but because there was no wish at the moment to experience the sphere of emptiness, but a wish to experience tranquility, then this complex of perceptions will be called a state by definition. The complex of perceptions that is included in this state and consists of the wish to experience tranquility, to eradicate NEs and to practice emotional polishing of tranquility will be called position.

    Position of Bodhisattva”: as soon as there is a perception of any distress of any person, immediately:

    1) NA towards distress is eradicated

    2) a happy wish for EPs to appear in any feeling being is generated

    3) amiability and faithfulness are generated (either towards beings with aspiration for EPs, or objectless).

    It is necessary to terminate ignoring or imagining the clarity about another person having distresses.

    One of the new states is “dam is being washed away”. Resonating image: a big dam made of mud is blocking a river, the water is accumulating and it starts washing away the dam, leaks are seeping through the mud making streams, and in certain time the dam will give way.

    Characteristic signs of “a dam washout”:

    1) There is clarity that you are imprisoned. It is not necessary to have a rational clarity what distresses we are speaking about, but there is only an outline of your prison that is guessed in the mist: here is an abstract concept, over there is a NB, there is a mechanical pattern, and so on, but it is not clear what exactly the distress is being washed away.

    2) Anticipation of the dam washout, of an oncoming dash to freedom, to EPs.

    3) A specific sense of “a tense bowstring” – all the body (especially in the region of chest and belly) is tense and at the same time it has some sweetness, as if the bowstring will soon release. There may appear simultaneously a mechanical wish to start doing something, to take off this tension, but after this wish is eliminated, you will continue having this physical sense, which is quite pleasant.

    4) A stable wish will appear to differentiate what exactly obstacle will be destroyed and where exactly all power of the flow is concentrated. This wish is reasoned by another wish to accelerate the breakthrough, and it will be sped up if there is clarity. There appears a wish to differentiate perceptions; a resonating image for it – I want to find the region where the potential is concentrated. The clarity in search may not appear in the beginning of the process of the dam washout, this may eventuate in NEs which are to be eradicated perfectly.

    5) If clarity is not achieved, it resuscitates a wish which I will call “a wish to stop”. It consists of decreasing the engagement in activities and increasing the attentiveness towards EPs. This state resonates with an image: “I am all attention and still, I am listening and come to a halt”. Perceptions (those that are not EPs) as if are submerging in some haze and becoming transparent. When a wish to stop intensifies, there may appear physical senses – a sphere of emptiness, solidity. Also it is accompanied with an effect of “acceleration”, I start to differentiate more perceptions than usual, including differentiating and eradicating minor splashes of NEs, recording and intensifying small splashes of EPs.

    6) At a certain moment, a clarity breakthrough happens and some complex of distresses become obvious, a happy wish to get rid of them takes place. As a rule the completion is rapid and does not require a serious effort, as if you are sledging down a hill.

    7) The state of a washed out dam frequently happens when you are coming out of a decrease in practice (for example, after an orgasm or being stuck in NEs), which results in forgetting the clarities you have achieved earlier and EPs have been shadowed as well. It can also appear in a process of discoveries, but there is no “sledging down the hill” or it is not so obvious and you have to make an effort all the way.

    The state of a “washed out dam” brings a happy “wish to breakthrough”. At first the object is not identified and it can be described as a persistent desire to stop “this shitty state”. But after the wish to breakthrough is intensified and achieves an ecstatic quality, you acquire the clarity that the dam is to be demolished.

    The position of “mild persistence” develops as a result of a firm determination to overpower the guards. Direct conflict can be not always effective enough, when you have to apply more efforts to keep within the intensive EPs, but their intensity is dropping and it results in sleepiness, in spite your effort you retreat. This is why it is good to use the position of “a mild persistence”, when you permit the intensity of the EPs to drop, as if you “hit the brakes on the way down” and do not try to keep the intensity (or profoundness) of EPs, but on this way down from time to time you apply efforts of eradicating guards and generating EPs. As an outcome you will be able to record your state on a significantly higher level than that as a result of the direct conflict.

    The position of a mild persistence strengthens your resolve and it acquires new qualities. It becomes easier to differentiate it in the group of other perceptions. You now have a chance to experience a direct wish of this experience and it also intensifies it. When your persistence achieves 4 -5, it resonates with an image of a rock, a foundation, a steadfast firmness. It resonates with an image of a deep rooted intensity, as if heavy mercury is at the bottom of a lake. There appears a physical sense of solidity.

    While these changes accumulate at the turn of achievement of continuous EPs, one phrase becomes the logo and the main topic of the inner dialogue, as well as an expression of aspiration, loyalty and determination – “Do it!” It becomes clear that all the practice that preceded the achievement of continuous EPs, was just the first steps, first body motions of a being that has a strong desire to be liberated from the deadly dream and break away from under the tombstone. The one, who has not done it, is self cheating that he wants to experience EPs. It kills a wish to take care of the beginners, because this care is just a pity for them and imagining them as those who “wish but are not able to”. It becomes extremely clear that “wanting but not able to” is self-cheating or cheating. There is nothing complicated or difficult to understand in the practice of distresses eradication, especially after reading this detailed description in the book and practitioners’ articles. If a person “is not able” to achieve a continuous enlightened background, it means only one thing – a wish of distresses at this point is stronger than the wish of EPs. Assistance to the practitioner becomes happy and addressed to a certain point – for example, an explanation of one and the same issue to one and the same practitioner may take place ten or twenty times, but after this number the practitioner will be able to reconstruct the flow of the thoughts himself, but if he does not solve the problem, no recommendations will change anything, and all depends on his effort.

    Position “I am insincere at this moment”. I am only thinking that I am sincere, but it has already happened so many times when I believed that I was sincere and it turned out to be a monstrous self cheating, impossible not to notice. This is why from now on I will think of myself as only partially sincere or insincere to have a happy wish to search and eradicate insincerity, thus achieving new breakthroughs towards EPs.

    The border line of sufficient remembrance – is such a level of mastering EPs that it is enough just to remember and EPs appear immediately. The memory anchor is selected as you like – for example I liked to anchor my memory by asking myself “What do I feel now?”

    Adopting EPs significantly intensifies the practice.

    For example let us examine a super effort. You can have a strong feeling for me (7 – 8, not less), loyalty, and experience a strong wish (7 – 8, not less) to adopt a perception of super effort, concentrate on this wish for a while, until a specific challenging-blissful perception appears, I will call it “magnetism” – as if you “adhered”, there is a sense of being fulfilled. For some time self-identification decreases significantly and as a result you mysteriously change as if you have a much better experience of making a super effort than you have had in reality. With consequent attempts to generate the super effort you will do it much easier and with higher intensity than it has been possible for you earlier.

    The adoption process will be facilitated by the presence of a person you want to adopt a perception from, or if you use a photo, listen to the voice or just have a distinct remembrance. I call it a “directed adoption of EPs”.

    In case when my perception is not brighter and steadier than yours, such “magnetic adhesion with a decreased self-identification” as a result of a rapidly increased capability to make super efforts, will not be possible, even when there is both the feeling for me and a happy wish. As well as the result is not achievable if you are self-cheating regarding your feeling for me 7 – 8 (and not a kinship, for example) or regarding a happy wish to adopt the perception (and not guided by FSI, for example).

    There can also be an undirected adoption of an EP, when this is a new EP for you.

    06-01-07 Change of personality. Attachment to people

    A complex change of perceptions is possible – “a change of a personality”. The wider the spectrum of covered perceptions, the easier the shift is from one personality to another. If you are uptight and not a confident person, it is very hard to pull out your uncertainty from the complex of your perceptions and to replace it with determination, while if you change simultaneously many perceptions (the name, clothes, manners, habits and patterns, surrounding people, vocabulary and so on), then this replacement can become surprisingly easy.

    For the new personality it is better to select perceptions that resonate with EPs.

    The practice of recurring change of personalities is very interesting. It will not lead to a sick “split of personalities” or any side effects. To record a new personality make a list of the elements of the personality and reproduce them simultaneously:


    *) Clothes. Compile a few packages of clothes for different personalities and never mix the packages of different personalities.

    *) Choice of phrases and words. Create different patterns of speech for the different personalities.

    *) Music that they listen to.

    *) Taste preferences.

    *) Routes for strolls.

    *) Interests – favourite books, conversational topics, preferences in having a rest and so on.

    *) Friends. To perfect a new personality, make a few new acquaintances that will know you only as this personality. They will accept you the way you present yourself because they do not have a stereotype of your real personality and it will assist in getting used to your new personality.

    Constructing a new personality is a very interesting creative process, it involves revealing EPs.

    You can create a few personalities at the same time – either continuous or temporary. If you develop a personality with perceptions that resonate EPs, you will want it to be continuous, and adopt it with time or immediately and completely. You can also produce temporary personalities to address certain tasks. For example, if you want to learn how to deal with a fear of looking stupid in the eyes of other people, the role play of a fool is very effective. Become a part of a new company and make everybody believe that you are a complete fool. Learn in advance corresponding words, gestures, rehearse idiotic laughter, make responses that are not to the point and so on. You will see how much you are dependent on the opinions of other people and how much delusive your freedom is from being worried about their opinions.

    When you shift your personalities, you will discover happy wishes, these are unexpected. For example, the role play of a fool will significantly intensify your erotic and sexual perceptions, certain EPs will become much brighter, this means that your old personality limits your sexuality and you do not even notice that because you blended with your NB, concerns about opinions and the pattern of sexuality suppression. But when you are a fool, there is nothing to care about, as you are already a fool, everybody “knows” that, and you can be crazy as much as you like. You can remember this state of freedom from opinions, as well as other attractive states, include them into you new personality and shift into them directly.

    Freedom from the commitment to one mechanically developed personality leads to a significant decrease of “attachment to people” (“ATP”) – a complex of NEs, PEs, concepts, mechanical wishes and mechanical differentiations that block the position of self-sufficiency and resonating with it EPs. ATP includes concerns about opinions, mechanical caring, boredom, satisfaction, jealousy, a fear of loneliness, concepts of “mine” and many others.

    “Mutual practice”, “life together” and everything so-called “mutual” – very often it is nothing more than a method to manifest and intensify ATP. Typical manifestation of ATP is when a person speaks on behalf of others – “we believe”, “he understands”.

    The practitioners get attached to snouts, because it is interesting for them, and if this attachment becomes strong, the effectiveness of communication decreases significantly.

    Be in solitude from time to time – go to the forest for a few hours, or to another town for a few days. You also can get up at 3 or 4 a.m. and do everything while others are sleeping. You can generate images that resonate with happy to be alone. For example, I like to imagine that by some chance as a result of my experiments I happened to be in another “dimension”, “time” or a “parallel world of dreams” and the way back cannot be found. Soft afternoon sun, small shabby town, autumn is coming, dusty walkway in a small park, people pass by from time to time, they are far from me and I will never find here a friendly being, they all deep asleep, submerged in a hopelessly alien life for me. I am absolutely lonely, outside of my world, and all what is left for me is to experience the delight of a lonely flying bird, wild ecstasy of unpredictability of the future, to feel the ecstatic loyalty to those I will never see any more and continue my journey whatever happens.

    Make records of significant differences in the states when you are alone and when you are with snouts. Achieve EPs, even if you are lonely. When you are among snouts, generate from time to time EA, as if you are lonely, feel happy self-sufficiency, seriousness of full responsibility for your practice – then the communication will be effective and instead of satisfaction and dullness there will be loyalty and amiability.

    No matter what other snouts practice,

    No matter what fears and expectations are,

    No matter what the circumstances, wins or failures,

    I will keep practicing

    And will go on with my journey.

    06-01-08 Social experiments

    Social fears are a grand layer of ATP, this is why social experiments are very important. Their goal is (a) to find and eradicate distresses, (b) to experience EPs not only when you are sitting on a sofa (so called “sofa practice”), but being in the centre of interaction with others, which means in the conditions when distresses are especially intensive and not deep in the NB, hard to differentiate and thus unavailable. Any contact with people brings a continuous flow of distresses, but even when you are on your own, social fears and other distresses related to other people are still present in your NB and ID, nurturing them.

    In SEs you trigger people’s negative emotions and discover that their negative attitude (NA) and even hatred towards you, or contempt, disgust, aggressiveness – there is nothing to be afraid of. To cause NA or hatred it is enough just to take a step aside from the usual routine – address somebody impolitely, make a payment with small coins, do not thank somebody and so on, there are lots of options for conducting SEs. You tied yourself with innumerable restraints, suppressing your happy wishes only to reduce the NA (quite often only in your imagination) from people, and there is no point in it. Getting rid of the religious fear of NA from people and from other NEs that reveal during SEs, reduces significantly all social fears and opens the way to EPs.

    If during the SEs something happens that impacts my life (e.g. I am hit or fined), it still releases my fears, as in future the religious fear of NA is replaced with a cold-blooded premeditation of undesirable consequences.

    Even the simplest SE creates a storm for a practitioner, but a perfect eradication of distresses brings a high degree of freedom from NB and NEs and intensifies the capabilities to experience EPs.

    I emphasize: SEs are not conducted for achieving “justice” or punishing somebody stupid, what’s more – revenge, or enjoying triumphs, increase the feeling of self-importance or superiority, all these perceptions are categorically not compatible with EPs. SEs are conducted to overcome mechanical fears and to learn to experience EPs regardless of other people’s attitude, to learn to generate EPs in any situations, to discover and bring out to the surface social fears from the bottom levels of NB, to investigate them and eradicate many small and large concepts.

    As a rule, ordinary people stubbornly do not want to understand the purpose of SEs, they blame practitioners in cruelty and indulging in the FSI. They cannot imagine being a practitioner, as they have no wish to eradicate distresses and no aspirations towards EPs. But if they imagine themselves being “a victim”, they experience NEs of the same intensity as if they were the real objects of SEs. Of course, there is no cruelty in SEs, because the object of a SE has only a dozen more NEs plus to those thousands of splashes from NEs that he chooses to have and which he does not have to have, if he did not explode with NEs triggered by any insignificant reason, and a NE is not physical pain and does not depend on a choice. Pain can be “caused”, and NEs cannot be “caused”, because everybody chooses for themselves whether to experience them or not.

    Typical attitude of an ordinary “esoteric person” towards SEs is as to a matter of no significance and it has no point at all. If he imagines himself in the place of a practitioner, he is horrified but will not admit it even for himself, this is why to avoid hurting his FSI he compensates it with derogatory attitude towards SEs.

    06-01-09 Descriptions and recordings. Formal practices

    EPs description” – is generating any perceptions that resonate with this particular EP. If at a given moment there is an EP, then revealing a complex of perceptions that we call a “description of the EP”, will intensify some quality or qualities of this EP. Thus “a description” can be a word, a senseless sound, a picture, music, a gesture, a plant, an animal, a composition of some things on a table – whatever, but in most cases words (thoughts) are used for the descriptions:

    1) Thoughts (or images), their content we will call “associations” and “comparisons”: “sunset sky”, “land of melting snow” and so on.

    2) Thoughts that depict the character of changes in other perceptions, parallel to the described EP, the previous or consequent ones.

    3) Thoughts that depict changes of EP qualities from the impact of other EPs.

    For descriptions to resonate with EPs to the maximum, it is necessary:

    а) to make an accent on specific qualities of the EP that makes it different from others.

    b) not to use poetic, philosophical, over the top and other similar words that do not designate exact meanings (like illimitable, cosmic, super consciousness, enchanting, divine, truly existing and so on), but use only clear words with exact meanings (like dog, pine, frosty air, want to breathe and so on – precisely what has been experienced many times).

    While your EP experience increases, the descriptions are being improved, cleared from unnecessary guff and accrete with resonating details. For example, Skvo tried to use the words that she fished out from “esoteric” books, for the description of “emotional distance”, but no luck, it did not lead to the resonance, until she found supporting resonating word “clothing”. The resulting description: “when you feel emotionally distant, you assimilate your personal perceptions like clothing – like something that you can put on or take off”.

    “Recording” – you are aware that there was (is) a perception. Recording can be a description or any other mark, like a tick or abbreviation that will designate a given perception, or a digit identifying its intensity, or shifting a bead on a string and so on.

    A frequent error of recording: you make a record straight after you have experience it, and it brings satisfaction and chaotic distractions. As a result there are just the words on paper that do not remind of an achieved clarity. To prevent such consequences it is necessary to re-experience the discovery and correct the resonating description

    Formal practices” (FPRs) – actions that:

    1) are conducted repeatedly and consistently,

    2) motivated and accompanied with a happy wish,

    3) there is a remembrance of EPs,

    4) have a purpose of (direct or indirect) generating and intensifying EPs,

    5) Resonate with EPs (preferably),

    6) are recorded.

    When you are conducting fpr, it is necessary to block the mechanism of planning, regardless of how much you want to say to yourself: “today I am going to make so many acts of..”, and feel satisfied. Such phrases are accepted only as enlightened factors. FPRs are not the process of this kind, this is why planning FPRs always conflicts with happy wishes and it brings a rapid decrease in effectiveness.

    FPRs as a whole, and recording in particular, make the practice of generating EPs the maximum effective, because:

    1) they fluently and steadily overpower NB and the state of “nothing-is-happening”

    2) they develop a stable “bridge” to EPs, strengthening the pattern of experiencing EPs by multiple repeating

    3) they reinforce the pattern to experience happy wishes and persistently realize them

    4) finding the most resonating description means multiple re-living in EPs.

    Description of technologies” is extremely effective for the successful practice of generating EPs. The initial, “raw” recording and then multiple repetition of the experience, detecting what elements are significant or insignificant, to the final list of necessary and desirable elements – this is the way to develop the elements for achieving the desirable technology elements.

    When we describe EPs of a given moment, we detect “EP qualities”, which are characteristic attributes differentiated by our consciousness: “being ecstatic”, “saturation”, “profoundness”, “intensity”, “acuteness”, “magnetism”. See the description of the qualities at the end of the chapter “List of EPs with descriptions”.

    What can I do at a given moment?

    а) experience NEs, PEs, give in to ChD.

    b) experience EPs.

    c) make an effort to achieve EPs through fprs (as fprs are the technique of creating and intensifying the pattern to experience EPs by multiple repetition of replacing perceptions).

    There is nothing else to choose from.

    Sometimes, when you start conducting FPRs, there appears sleepiness and it can be overwhelming. Attempts to get enough sleep do not help, because the reason is not in inadequate sleep, but being in a new state for you – the continuous flow of chaotic distractions is interrupted and there is an enlightened background. Until now you knew only two states – dreaming and awake, typical for being awake is NB and chaotic distractions. Getting rid of these typical attributes of wakefulness leads to a sliding into another state, that is known to you as dreaming. If you do not relent and keep practicing, the problem will disappear. Any intellectual, psychological, physical games and PEs are very effective in eliminating sleepiness.

    Daily, every two hours, one hour, every minute, 15-, 10-, or 5-second recording can be practiced in turns during certain periods. Due to such practice life intensity and fullness increase immensely.

    I recommend to make daily recording always – make a summary at the end of each day, like an annual summary – write about the discoveries, results of the experiments and FPRs, refresh the list of happy wishes, total seconds spent in EPs, and so on. People use to think of one day as of something insignificant, but one day outside of practicing means one day of being in satisfaction, dullness, NB and NEs – a big step towards death, a step with a long tail of dullness and NEs. It is good to recalculate your life in days, not years, and it will help to get rid of mechanical and indifferent attitude towards one day that you missed.

    If you equal one day to one “year”, then every two hours can be regarded to as a corresponding month. I recommend that you make every two hour recording (“2hr”) or an hour recording (“1hr”) always and in any circumstances, including at night, it will help you to have a good quality sleep, because the dream is interrupted for generating EPs and sticking to NB for hours does not take place. It also facilitates receiving the out-of-body experience and lucid dreams experience. Even if the summary of an hour will be a recorded as “nothing is done” or only a list of experienced NEs, it is still an encouraging action.

    Typical errors of 1hr: “fuss at a start” (spasmodic attempts to start doing something, panicking slightly); “starting inertia” (thoughts like “I have a whole hour, I will finish what I am doing and then practice” – this is self-cheating and is always bringing failure); “permanent” inertia (starting inertia lasts nearly an hour and it makes a fuss at the finish); “a fuss at the finish” (spasmodic attempts to make at least something in the last minutes – means a failure, self-cheating and a lack of interest for practicing).

    When you conduct a per minute recording (“pmr”), every 15 seconds recording (“15sr”) and 10 seconds recording (“10sr”), you record a general estimation of your state for the relative period. I offer to use a scale from 1 to 9, where “5” will have a value of “nothing-is-happening”, “6” – a weak enlightened background, “7” – a steady EB with the splashes of EPs, “8” – continuous EPs, “9” – intense EPs with ecstatic splashes. Analogically down: “4” – weak NB and so on. During pmr there is a possibility to have a few estimations, e.g. record the maximum intensity of NEs or EPs, intensity of an effort and so on up to your choice.

    You can use the same or simplified symbols for a 5second recording. At first it seems that even pmr (saying nothing of recordings of a higher frequency) is impossible. But in reality it turns out that pmr is fully compatible with any activity (recording can also be conducted in your mind), and not only “takes time”, but vice versa, makes it extremely saturated, makes you remember continuously of practicing, of EPs and makes impossible to be in NB, NEs, lasting chaotic distractions. It facilitates achieving stable EB and suddenly a huge number of interesting observations and discoveries. Experienced practitioners are capable of pmr for hours in a row, and 15,10,5sr for many tens of minutes. Analogically: if a diskette is not formatted, you cannot download it – same with the life of an ordinary person, it elapses like a dream. But if a diskette is formatted, it can be filled – and the life during FPRs is full to the maximum, one day is like a whole week.

    The practice of expressing a wish aloud (“EWA”) is very effective. If the situation does not permit you to express your wish aloud, you can say it in your mind and, if possible, at least articulate it with your lips. I offer:

    1) to conduct EWA by series, not less than 10 acts, optimally 50 -100.

    2) make a pause after each series and feel the appearing EPs, getting rid of chaotic distractions.

    3) if the chaotic distractions are too obtrusive, it is good to start another series.

    4) choose exact wishes: “I want to feel the faithfulness”, “I want to be conscious of myself while in a dream”, “I want everybody to be able to experience EPs”.

    5) shorten the phrase, if, as a result of a multiple repetition, the phrase is well associated with the full phrase, e.g. instead “ I want everybody to be able to experience EPs” – “I want EPs for all”.

    6) be aware that this practice will bring significant changes if there are about 1000 acts of EWA during a day.

    After two days of intensive FPRs I recommend that you have a break of one or two days, even if it means sliding down into a weak EB. If EB changes with nih, then the break is to be shorter, as there appears a happy wish to keep practicing and achieve a stable EB. I recommend that during the break you often return to the question “what do I feel now?” (no recordings). Significant discoveries – new clarities and EPs can take place during the break.

    I recommend that in the process of EWA you track :

    1) the repetition of the phrase is not mechanical, and is accompanied with the corresponding wish, at least of a weak intensity. Duration of an act of EWA is about 5-10 seconds.

    2) if there are EPs or EB during EWA

    3) if there is an anticipation and a happy wish to go on with EWA.

    When the experience of EWA is good enough and the wish is clearly differentiated as a separate perception, EWA can be modified as a “continuous generating of a wish” (“CGW”): you stop saying the wish (including in your ID) and you only monitor that it is revealed distinctly. Duration of the act is decreased to 1 – 3 seconds and it facilitates intensive EB. But you also should be aware that when you do not express the wish, the possibility of sliding into chaotic distractions is higher, especially if the EB is weak and not stable.

    FPRs also include:

    *) mechanical replacement [of an obviously false concept].

    *) re-experiencing [of significant events from your personal story with eradicating NEs and generating EPs]

    *) recording of clarity. The phrase that resonates the clarity is to be repeated. For example, when I repeat the phrase “I am different”, I concentrate on clarity, that I have my own life route regardless of who is thinking what relating to the way I realize my happy wishes, regardless of who is doing what relating to the fact that I do not wish to mechanically copy others. It eliminates a general attachment to people and brings anticipation of an endless journey, and so on.

    *) recurring attention [from chaotic distractions onto a desirable state]. For example, asking “what is happening now?” intensifies attentiveness to a current state, remembering about EPs and happy wishes, detects weak NB and NEs.

    *) emotional polishes.

    FPRs are “a lifebelt” during a decline, as it is the easiest way – just start one FPR and as a result your state slowly, but unavoidably changes.

    Often there appears a happy wish to conduct FPRs even when you have radiant EPs, an ecstatic background, it brings the effect of “pumping”, when the EP qualities get stronger. A wish of FPRs disappears only at a stage of ecstatic EPs, when the ecstatic quality becomes “intolerable”.

    Development of “enlightened patterns”: this is a realization of a happy wish to achieve such a result, when a certain action (preferably, conducted a few times a day) is always accompanied with an effort to generate a certain EP as a minimum, or with a certain EP as a maximum. For example, it is possible to trigger a delight and feeling of beauty every time when you pour water into a kettle. It should be EVERY time. Possibly, in the beginning it will take you 5 times longer to fill the kettle, but in a week or two experiencing an EP will become a pattern and you can find another challenge. Take it step by step in harmony with your happy wishes and leave gigantomania to those who will never change.

    06-01-10 Stalking and asceticism

    FSI is a feeling of self-importance. FOI is a feeling of inferiority. There is also a feeling of [self-] pity. Of being hurt [I have been hurt]. Feeling of aggression [to the one who is against me]. Suppressing and splitting NEs are the reaction to my “I” being hurt, PEs are the reaction of supporting my “I”. So the foundation of NEs and PEs is in the importance of my “self”, which is the consequence of an illusion of “I”. Even FOI is caused by FSI, as it appears when “important I” is hurt and it is impossible to protect this importance. When there are EPs, the thoughts of “I” get weaker and go to the background. When the EPs are of ecstatic quality, “I” becomes illusive.

    If you are sincere, you will quickly notice that thinking about “I” illusiveness does not change anything, you must do something to decrease the killing part of this illusion – FSI. Here I offer to you the practice of “stalking” as exceptionally effective. The practice of social experiments is a good preliminary technique. A lot of different information about stalking you can find in wonderful books by Castaneda. Stalking is the intentional creation of situations that are avoided by ordinary people by all means. These are situations where your FSI is hurt to the maximum, and you eradicate NEs and PEs perfectly. The optimum way to create a situation of this kind is to be in the power of a tyrant: a dull, aggressive, arrogant person (or a group of people) that tends to insult, humiliate, subjugate other people, he knows how to do it and has enough possibilities to do it. The most “horrible” and hard to imagine situations are the most attractive for a practitioner of stalking.

    Stalking is unsuccessful if you cease to perfectly eradicate NEs, or there appears a wish to revenge, kill, hurt the tyrant. It means you took the position of the victim, lost the war with FSI and you are becoming a tyrant yourself.

    Stalking is successful, if (a) whatever happens, your willpower and determination are unshakable, you perfectly eradicate NEs and experience EPs, (b) you are in the same position that you have chosen to hold (e.g. keep physical wholeness or a bank account sustainability and so on).

    To achieve the maximum result, you have to have a good and precise plan. Real tyrants are a rarity, and if you lose one, there is no guarantee you will find another. If you meet a tyrant, you have to get into the sphere of his influence, learn his mechanisms, detect the ways of manipulating while you develop the art of altering your personalities, so he could apply his tyrant qualities. And never rest on your laurels, there will always be something else to make the game more authentic and to apply the pressure from the tyrant on your FSI harder.

    The list of the tyrant investigation results can consist of the following positions:

    *) what techniques of hurting your FSI the tyrant possesses. For example, if he is capable of yelling at you, to taunt you, or mock you, and so on.

    *) what “buttons” you can “push” to manipulate him, making him terrorize you.

    *) what ways you can use to get out of the sphere of his influence upon completing this experiment, identifying his main weak points. For example, it can be:

    а) a fear of senior tyrants (management, relative, friend, others – all those he accepts as his own “legal” tyrants)

    b) a fear of losing his possessions, status, position, money and so on.

    c) a fear of humiliation, being mocked – one of the worst fears of tyrants, because being a tyrant means having the most vulnerable FSI.

    d) a fear of unexplainable behaviour. Incomprehensibility always causes fear, because it’s too hard to handle and there is a danger to lose control.

    If the tyrant does not take an axe and does not kill you immediately, it means that he has a number of “weak points”, “restraints” to his behaviour. Detection and investigation of these restraints is the aim of the research of the tyrant.

    The practice of stalking reveals that a significant (if not overwhelming) part of the concerns about the future consists of fears of hurting FSI more than the fears of certain circumstances. A rapid decline of the fears of future brings an avalanche-like increase of anticipation and other EPs.

    The criteria of the stalking success is the enjoyment you experience the the peak of your interaction with the tyrant. Castaneda wrote that the warriors intentionally used interaction with tyrants to experience especially intensive enjoyment – it happens in the result of perfect elimination of NEs in the worst conditions, when the most powerful mechanisms of NEs are activated and then EPs are revealed intensively.

    Asceticism is the practice directed at overpowering (perfect eradication) of the second part of your fears of the future – the fear of circumstances. I create situations where there is a pattern of experiencing strong NEs (first of all SP), and I am careful in these situations not to cause some irreversible hurts to my physical body. Examples:

    *) have hot, badly tasting water during a heat wave

    *) sleep in a noisy, stinky, uncomfortable place

    *) have tasteless meals

    *) wrap yourself with a barbed wire (disinfected) and have a strong physical pain with every movement (but watching that abscesses do not develop),

    And so on – there are innumerable possibilities.

    What matters is what you feel, not how important your actions seem to be for others. If you take all these “heroic acts of false asceticism”, sleep on nails and it causes FSI, SP and other NEs, then such a kind of “asceticism” will lead you to the same destination as all distresses – to dementia and decomposition.

    06-01-11 Freedom from imaginative thinking and ignoring

    Wish to imagine and ignore (“WII”) is always mechanical, because happy wishes always resonate with rational clarity. It is easy to see that WII has all the signs of mechanical wishes.

    It is impossible to cultivate sincerity in one part and insincerity in another. Reluctance to differentiate and investigate other people’s manifestations and the willingness to support their desirable image, unavoidably decreases significantly the capabilities to differentiate your own perceptions, which leads to dullness, NEs and other distresses.

    Work with imaginative thinking is a stumbling block for a large number of practitioners, this is why I want to make a collection of examples in the form of a review of imagined characteristics by type “questions and answers”: pairs “an extract from a report” – “comments”.

    The most radical images are related to people that you think of as “close to you” and “good friends”. This is because the closest environment of a practitioner is often extremely aggressive towards the practitioner’s practice. If the practitioner is willing to differentiate perceptions, develop rational clarity, eradicate conceptuality, he ceases to believe and accept without analyzing those images that people create and support. He will sincerely want to analyze the perception of people around him and make his own opinions.

    In the process of generating EPs a false support on imagining certain qualities is widely used. If you imagine that the girl that you are caressing, shares with you the feeling of affection, then this affection intensifies. But if you imagine that she feels gloat (e.g. gloat over a true or imagined competitress), affection will disappear. Hence the thought: “I want to feel affection. I imagine affection from her, and I feel it myself. Affection is attractive, why refuse it?”

    It means imaginative thinking is accepted as a technique to experience EPs. Nevertheless, regardless of being seemingly obvious, this way of thinking is false, it does not facilitate, but blocks EPs. And if you want to have strong, various and frequent EPs, you have to analyze this issue. To achieve clarity, you have to pay attention to the following:

    а) imaginative thinking is a cultivation of insincerity and a suppression of sincerity. Sincerity always resonates with EPs, with clarity – regardless of what you have discovered in the result of being sincere. Insincerity brings general dullness, intensifying NEs, incapability to differentiate perceptions, and consequently, incapability to have happy wishes and cultivate EPs. More than that, sincerity in itself is an extremely attractive EP.

    b) imaginative thinking is often accompanied with the anxiety of (self)exposure, with a NA, that this exposure will accelerate and intensify the contrast between “the thorns” and imagined characteristics and other NEs. The further the imagined picture from “the thorns”, the stronger the background anxiety is.

    We can make an assumption from this observation that among other perceptions people have some traces of clarity that they are not sincere and imagine certain qualities in other people, for example, in the form of an inner dialogue that is actively suppressed. It means any person can detect and get rid of this kind of imaginative thinking providing there is such a wish, but keeping up to imaginative thinking means only the absence of a wish to be sincere.

    c) imaginative thinking blocks affection, amiability and other EPs, because to keep it safe you have to suppress clarity relating to the other person’s behaviour and perceptions and as a result instead of a real person you have just a cast of this person and it is impossible to feel affection towards a cast. Also impossible is the selective insincerity, which is the hope of those willing to experience EPs with the help of imaginative thinking.

    d) an attempt “not to imagine anything” leads to a complicated form of self-cheating when you only think that you do not imagine, but you behave in the same way as those people that imagine certain characteristics. It can be easily seen from a distance and easily detected if you sincerely investigate yourself.

    e) when a cultivated by all means imagined picture is after all destroyed (and it will always happen sooner or later), the number and the intensity of NEs increase catastrophically, and there may even appear a wish never ever to experience affection and amiability. As a result of your dullness you are not able to understand that it is not EPs that have caused your NEs, but it is the cultivation of your dullness. But when the imagined picture is destroyed as a result of your wish to achieve clarity and sincerity, you will always experience radiant inflow of EPs and happy wishes.

    f) a wish of creating an image is always mechanical. Imagine you have lost your girl-friend/boy-friend – immediately the strongest NEs appear: a feeling of loss, SP and so on. Unlike the generally accepted opinion, this is not a sign of “love”, but vice versa – the truest sign of a mechanical wish, that is a wish motivated not by EPs, but by distresses (SP, FSI, thirst of possession, jealousy, fear of loneliness, boredom, dullness and others). “Love”, when accepted as a combination of EPs like affection, amiability, faithfulness and so on, is never escorted with NEs at a thought of being away from each other and impossibility of contact. If NEs appear, it means there is a large part of mechanical wishes mixed with your affection, and they KILL love. Attachment as a combination of mechanical wishes and NEs, always appears at the same degree as you imagine the person. Attachment appears only to the images. If you start investigating a person and cease to imagine the person, then regardless of the results of your investigation – whether you detect a senseless log or a bright personality with aspirations, in any case your attachment will disappear and EPs will increase.

    A wish to make up an image is stronger after orgasms, while being bored and dull, SP and other NEs. When you experience EPs, there is an aspiration to sincerity at any price. If there is a NB, there is a sick attachment to the “price”, which is a reluctance to part with a made up image as means of escaping from satisfaction and dullness.

    g) the more the imagined qualities, the more NEs appear in response to investigate the person, and especially if somebody will try to investigate that person and you as well. But when you are sincere, such offers and initiatives will only cause a splash of amiability, faithfulness and anticipation of detecting distresses and liberation from them.

    h) The made up images are mostly related to your “closest” people whom you communicate with most of the time. So even if you achieve sincerity outside your communication with them, eradicate NEs and generate EPs, the effectiveness of your achievements goes down to zero, because the largest part of your time you still cultivate dullness and attachments (which means NEs and fear of NEs). It is also impossible to ignore that if you get rid of imagining, it rapidly increases the effectiveness of your practice in all other spheres, but a new wave of imagining will decrease it again instantly.

    i) what shall we do with the main argument – that making up images “facilitate” experiencing EPs? If you add up in your imagination some qualities of this person and feel an affection towards this person, it means only that the affection is IN SPITE OF, not due to imagining. Right now you could experience much stronger and lasting affection and other EPs, if you eradicate what you imagine about this person or another, or in an objectless form.

    k) while intensifying your attachment to the cast of a person, you deprive yourself of clear differentiation and as a result you can miss a person who can be interesting to you and thus lose a chance to advance rapidly, as nothing accelerates EPs better than their resonance with other people’s perceptions, saying nothing of exchanging experience in the practice of EPs achievement.

    l) imagining the qualities of a person is incompatible with affection to the person! It can seem to be absurd, but nevertheless it is obvious. When I imagine, I create and record a false image and experience satisfaction. But there is a person behind the glass of the image, and this person has distresses, and quite possibly is willing to get rid of them. I can help this person to cease experiencing distresses, facilitate his efforts to achieve clarity and EPs (if these efforts do take place and I do not imagine them), but I choose not to notice his distresses, but vice versa motivate him to support the self-cheating. Imagining a person is like hammering the nails into the lid of his coffin. From the point of view of Bodhisattva it is absolutely not compatible with the happy wish that he eradicates distresses and experiences EPs.

    Investigation of other people’s perceptions includes:

    1) making a list of questions that you would ask yourself if you have decided to achieve sincerity and analyze yourself

    2) receiving answers to the questions of your list from the person under investigation

    3) asking additional follow-up questions in the case of general and not clear answers

    4) comparison of a person’s behaviour against his answers, detection of contradictions, ambiguities, follow-up questions

    5) creating situations where the person under investigation will give reasons to make assumptions relating to his perceptions

    6) If the person says he wants something, get information (and observe) what he has done to realize his wish and what the results are

    7) if the person says he “has understood something”, ask exactly what it is and observe if his behaviour has changed in accordance with his supposed understanding, get information what he has done to change his behaviour according to his supposed understanding and what are the results of his actions

    8) when you interpret the person’s answers and behaviour, do not limit with only one interpretation, find 2-3 or more and check how reasoned they are and if they contradict the behaviour and what the person says.

    Typical errors in investigations:

    1) Easy questions, in advance adapted to a given person to avoid his NA and to create no difficulties for him to answer

    *) solution: include into your list questions that are in the lists made by “snouts” (see the collection of articles), ask a “snout” to add this or that question into your list.

    2) Answers are believed and not accepted as material for the analysis – contradictions are not detected, situations not created, where a person would confirm or contradict his answers with his behaviour.

    3) The investigator is not sincere, he is self-cheating to receive confirmation to his perceptions at any price. This is a hard situation, as if a person is self-cheating, nobody can help him.

    *) solution 1: ask “a snout” to read your records of investigation

    *) solution 2: read your records of investigation as if you are reading the records of some unknown person

    4) It is supposed, though without any reasons, that the person under the investigation knows what exactly perceptions are designated with this or that word and that his designations are adequate to yours. But in reality people never think about it and without any considerations repeat what is accepted to say in certain situations. This is why if a person says, for example, that he “feels affection”, in reality he can feel different from what you call affection, but pity, caring, friendliness, a wish to replace boredom and dullness, even the fear of NA, feeling of duty, of guilt, sometimes even revenge and gloat! (For example, when a girl caresses a boy, thinking that she has won her competitress).

    *) solution: accept the messages of the person’s perceptions only as material for analysis, compare them with other words and manifestations, make conclusions on the basis of common sense and the experience from observations of other people and yourself.

    5) It is wrong to think that one cannot understand what perceptions of another person are like. The first attempts of achieving clarity will be difficult, and the main difficulty will be not in clarity, subtlety or complexity of perceptions, but in overpowering the inertia of dullness, mechanical WII and the fear of clarity. As a rule obtaining clarity is very easy.

    *) solution1: eradicate fear of clarity and other NEs

    *) solution 2: keep practicing

    *) solution3: if there is no clarity, behave adequately. One of the types of self-cheating consists of the following: you think “well, I do not know what he feels”, but at the same time you behave as if you exactly know what he is experiencing, it means you cultivate imagining.

    6) You imagine a certain “I” in addition to those perceptions that exist in the spot. For example: “yes, at the moment he is like an animal, but still he is a good person somewhere deep in his heart, so I love him”. Thus you imagine him and this picture is imposed over your perceptions, you try to concentrate on what you have imagined in the person, not true to perceptions.

    *) solution: be aware that you do not have even the perception of “I”, speaking nothing of the perception of “he” – there are perceptions, there are differences in these perceptions, there is an attitude to different perceptions, so every moment be aware of his manifestations, interpretations of these manifestations and of your happy wishes.

    7) Imagining the person’s qualities takes place “at a distance”, without close contact. For example, very often it happens regarding actors, writers, politicians, preachers and other people that you see rarely and in very specific conditions, when that person knows he is the object of attention and makes an effort to support the image he desires.

    A typical example is a wrong assumption that if a picture or a song or any other piece of art is an enlightened factor for you, then it means that the creator of this piece of art experienced (as minimum at the moment of creation) EPs. I remind you that even a cigarette butt can be an enlightened factor. The given example of imagining is interesting, because a wish to support it is very steady even though the minimum investigation detects a lot of “thorns”.

    *) solution: contact people as close as possible, investigate them if you want to understand what their perceptions are. You never know in advance what details of their behaviour can destroy instantly the whole multistoried building of what you have imagined about the person.

    8) “Pretended cease of imagining”. You reckon: “maybe he still is not too intelligent, not sensitive” and you stop communicating with him, thinking that the made up image is gone. In reality it is wrong as you have just replaced one concept “he is intelligent and sensitive” with another, most likely being motivated with NEs. Paradoxically, but in your mind you can think of him as dull and insensitive, but keep behaving as if he is a wise and sensitive person, feeling pity of loosing communication with him, missing him and so on.

    *) solution: investigate the person, do not make a mixture of positive and negative images.

    9) Form of self-cheating – start “investigating a person in such a way that he in advance experiences NA towards you and ceases communication with you – for now or even forever, and you think: “ok, I tried to investigate him, but he refused, felt hurt and left”. And of course, you keep your image untouched.

    10) Made up image due to external attributes of corresponding perceptions. For example, people’s lives are so joyless, that they want at least PEs, go to the movies, make “celebrations”, but as a result quite often they discover, that PEs either do not appear or finish too soon, being replaced with the same as previous boredom and NEs. Then in despair they force out certain external attributes of PEs – like loud yelling, laughing, “partying”, and people around, without analyzing, imagine that they really experience PEs. If you create images, a forehead with a frown will mean for you that this is creative thinking, a smile will mean affection and serenity and so on.

    *) solution: same as for point 7.

    11) It is an error to think “well, he cannot lie like that!” He can. Regardless of his social state, profession, attitude towards you and so on, a person is capable of monstrous lies, and he can support it, develop it for as long as he wants. Often people start believing their own lies.

    *) solution1: listen to the stories about you from people that you were observing and investigating for a while and compare with your memories. For example, your parents can tell you that they “never tried to control your thinking and did not force you to think their way”. Compare with your memories. Tell them immediately about something which is absolutely different from their concepts and see their reaction.

    *) solution 2: investigate your own lies, insincerity that you have manifested in the past or present.

    *) solution 3: read other practitioners records that have investigated you or other people.

    *) solution 4: firmly stick to the position that any opinion must have reasons, and “an honest face” of the person under investigation is not the reason.

    *) solution5: record in writing and in detail all the results of your investigations, and block mechanisms of ignoring.

    12) When a person is entrapped in contradictions and is not able to support his lies or protect a concept, if he seems to have some minimum common sense, sometimes he can admit lies or a falseness of his concept or that he has NEs and so on. It is a mistake to accept it as clarity – it can be just a way to return your friendliness, PA, to change the topic and forget it all and behave as previously.

    *) solution: if the person achieved clarity, it will impact on his behaviour – check it:

    а) if he makes an effort to change his behaviour in accordance with the clarity and can tell you in detail about his effort – what exactly he was doing, what the results are, what discoveries, observations, questions and so on. If there are no details – there was no effort, no wish to anchor the clarity, it means there was no clarity, it was just a strategy.

    b) if he makes corrections in the concepts that contradict the clarity.

    c) if he feels irritated when you return to the topic.

    d) if he initiates this topic to consolidate his clarity.

    13) Sometimes an agreement is a tactical ploy to show the open-mindedness, to decrease the heat of contradiction, to change the role of a teacher that now does not work, to the role of a friend in the hope that it will help successfully to put pressure on you.

    *) solution: same as p.12

    Some typical people’s reactions and the most frequent explanations for them:

    1) “I do not know, I did not think about it” – most often it means “I do not want to think about it”, or “I have my opinion which I want to hide from you”. Test: offer to think about it and check for the reaction.

    2) To the question “what is your attitude to the behaviour of those people” an answer follows “everybody has the right of choice for his own life style…”, “normal attitude”, or “no attitude”, or “I accept people as they are” – most often it means “I hate them”, “I would kill them all”. Test: tell him that you, or a person close to you, behave this way and check for the reaction.

    3) “words will not express it all”, “feelings cannot be distributed on shelves”, “one can accept everything the way it is”, “you can just be in harmony with the world”, “if you analyze everything like you do, the integrity will be lost” =>> “I do not want to analyze my perceptions”, “I want to experience NEs, dullness”, “I am bored with your questions, it is not interesting for me”.

    Your investigation of yourself and efforts to differentiate your own perceptions will significantly relieve detection of imagined pictures and help make reasonable assumptions.

    The process of meeting and getting close to another person is a very effective way of awakening your enlightened differentiating consciousness, of detecting the created images, their analysis and of training to develop reasonable assumptions. To consolidate these skills and to prevent mechanical wishes of creating images, it is necessary to create a few typical links in a chain of getting close to another person. It is preferable to have assistance of another practitioner that will observe your behaviour, analyze your correspondence, records and reports, conclusions – facts of creating images and of ignoring are 10 times easier detected at a distance than it is for you, as you are involved in the process.

    I will make an example of such a chain: meeting a girl on the internet.

    Every time you create a new “portrait” of your communication partner, compare it with the previous one. In the process of creating the portrait try to reason your every assumption about her.

    In advance make a list of characteristics and manifestations that will work as criteria in your estimations of every person (against the scale of 1 to 10).

    *) Make an ad at a dating site. You will receive a maximum number of responses if you write that you are looking for a partner for sex. Make a point that you will not consider letters without pictures. When you receive a pile of response letters, select the ones that you are going to work with, preferably those that interested you. Write something encouraging to them to go on with the corresponding. Ask for pictures that display the body and the face clearly.

    *) Read attentively the first two or three lines of the letter. Describe in detail the author’s portrait as you imagine it.

    *) Read the letters to the end and make a new portrait.

    *) Choose a small and not distinct picture and make a new portrait. Then the same process for making the portrait of his body, then of his face.

    *) Write a letter with a sexy content and get a reply to it, read it and make a new portrait. Write a letter consisting of empty intellectualisms, study the answer and make a new portrait. Compile a letter that can be interpreted as an expression of strong NEs. Make a new portrait on the basis of an answer. And so on. Keep corresponding as long as you have a wish to do it and as long as possible, suggesting a new dressing every time. To keep the interest of your correspondence partner, send him half-erotic photos (either yours, or others according to the wish) and promise that you want to meet him as soon as you find time.

    *) Call him and have comprehensive conversations, touching different spheres, including hot topics, like sexual fantasies, experience, homosexuals, violence, relatives, jealousy and having affairs, work, goals, interests. Make a new portrait after each conversation.

    *) Meet him in neutral territory, look at him, talk, have a walk.

    *) Have sex.

    *) Let him know that you have a new boy-friend (husband, children, work, parents that do not allow to date with him) and that you will not see him any more – see how he will behave when you stop the relationship.

    *) Compare all the portraits. Analyze, make conclusions, record the discoveries.

    This is an approximate scheme, in the real situation it’s up to you to make accents, enlarge the process or cease it at any moment.

    An ordinary person has a few such stories through his life, and of course, he does not investigate, nor does analyze and make conclusions, and it means he does not receive experience. You can have a better experience and achieve clarity regarding people’s relationship during only one month, comparing to the experience people receive during their lifetime.

    06-01-12 Trajectories

    Development trajectory” is a stable complex of successive stages in the development process.

    (Reminder: (see chapter “list of terms”): “development” is a complex of changes that result in enlarging the spectrum and intensity of any EPs qualities. “A change” is a creation of a new pattern as a result of an effort. “An effort” is a consistent and intensive happy wish. “A result” is achieving desirable perceptions upon completing your efforts. “A happy wish” is a wish that resonates with anticipation and other EPs).

    In approximate examination the trajectory of the development looks like:

    1) at the first stage I make efforts on all fronts, I perform different practices according to my happy wishes. I designate this stage as “frontline pressure”. The hw intensity is from 1 to 6, stability is from small to medium.

    2) At a certain moment and as a result of the growing frontline pressure a “sincerity breakthrough” happens, a radiant splash of clarity, that all this time I have not been sincere in some sphere, ignored a certain strong distress, that I was used to very much and did not want to differentiate it (distress dominant).

    3) The sincerity breakthrough is followed by a “cyclone” directed at detecting and eradicating insincerity.

    (Reminder: cyclone is a happy wish

    *)with the intensity of 5 – 6, up to 10;

    *)with extreme stability against the impact of other perceptions, and long duration even in comparison with other hws;

    *) which is escorted not only with EPs and anticipation up to 10, but also “physical senses”- like “will output”, firmness, enjoyment and others.

    *) which resonates with “furiousness”, “aspiring”).

    Period of time that takes from the beginning of frontline pressure to the moment of sincerity breakthrough, is (tp),

    а) in an inverse proportion to the square of «coefficient of dragon” («coefficient of dragon” – “Od” – intensity and frequency of persistence (in detection and eradication of NEs, generating EPs), determination (perfect eradication of distresses, dedication to experiencing EPs), sincerity and anticipation).

    b) in an inverse proportion to the “coefficient of EPs”- “Oo” (intensity and frequency of other EPs, PhS, happy wishes, efforts of differentiation and others)

    c) in the direct ratio to the square of the “coefficient of aggression” – “Na” (intensity and frequency of aggressive NEs)

    d) in the direct ratio to the “coefficient of distresses” – “Nn” (intensity and frequency of all other NEs, NB, mechanical wishes, inertia of dullness and others).

    tp = (Na2 * Nn) / (Od2 * Oo)

    4) Cyclone leads to a rapid increase of efforts to differentiate perceptions, to intensify perfectness of distresses eradication (“practice of consolidation”). Cyclone produces separate, specifically directed whirlwinds of happy wishes.

    5) Practice of consolidation results in a “cascade of discoveries” or a “breakthrough”:

    а) one clarity follows another,

    b) EPs qualities, already known and new” are being revealed with an unusual intensity, their stability increases,

    c) as a whole, “the position of a dragon” strengthens,

    d) powerful and stable happy wishes develop rapidly,

    e) a happy wish to study literature – the book, articles, dedicated to practicing, becomes clear. Preciseness and laconism (earlier it was called “dryness”) start resonating with joyfulness and aspiration.

    f) a happy wish of formal practices and developing discoveries increases,

    g) a happy wish of recording the results, creating descriptions and technologies intensifies,

    h) a happy wish to make more effort of differentiating perceptions increases.

    Phase of chain reactions” is the first and the most active phase of discoveries cascade. “Chain reaction” is a phenomenon when every time clarity and partial (sometimes very significant) liberation from distresses happens nearly instantaneously and nearly without an effort of concentrating on a certain topic.

    Among discoveries there may be easily differentiated (a) “minor discoveries” and (b) “significant discoveries”. Characteristic attribute of significant discoveries are the splashes of ecstatic EPs.

    Harvesting phase” – is the second phase of discoveries cascade. It is characterized with a happy wish of intensity 5 to 10 to consolidate discoveries by multiple re-experiencing of achieved clarity and other EPs and recording results.

    6) A decrease takes place due to the mechanisms that I have called four guards. The closer the EPs to the ecstatic quality, the longer and deeper the first five stages – the weaker the decrease is. Being guarded with the knowledge that stage six is inevitable, a practitioner can resort to the practice of a “flexible retreat” as soon as, despite the practitioner’s effort to avoid it, there are signs of this stage, and it makes the decrease shorter and strong.

    At a certain moment the decrease does not lead to distresses, but it is a retreat to the position of “flexible practice”, which means:

    а) there is a continuous EB of small or average intensity

    b) there are continuous EPs of small or average intensity

    c) the effort of perceptions differentiation is nearly continuous

    d) there is remembrance of EPs

    e) in the case NEs happen to occur the hunter performs perfectly

    f) there are no significant discoveries

    g) there is a selective and flexible dealing with situations (plus reviewing of previous situations) in order to introduce your discoveries into your behaviour

    h) the formal practices are episodic

    i) there is a clarity that the “flexible practice” can lead to a real decrease if you allow yourself to sleep in your satisfaction and give up to the pattern of experiencing decreases

    j) there is a permanent level of attention to your new happy wishes and new effort.

    The clarity that there is this trajectory of development, a wish to investigate it, the experience of differentiation, observation, investigation of all stages – all this brings an “impulse” – a happy wish to step in and bring new elements into the stages, change the trajectory to increase the efficiency of your effort.

    Crossroads impulse” – the clarity of decrease imminence at the end of the cycle results in a happy wish to enact from time to time a front pressure at the stage of cascade of discoveries and accomplish it from the heights of your new achievements. In this case the decrease will be especially short and shallow.

    06-01-13 Additional § - a list of practices that are not included in previous ones chapters

    This additional paragraph will have my description of the practices that are especially effective in certain situations, but they are not described in previous paragraphs.

    *) “A million EPs” – there appears a wish to generate a million EPs. One of the reasons why this hw can efficiently resonate with EPs, is that the wish of such an accumulation eliminates a widely spread distress consisting of skeptic thoughts (and consequent impotence) like “it is night already, in any case I do not have time to do much today, I postpone it till tomorrow”. The practice of accumulation and recording of the general number of EPs leads to the fact that even one act of generating EPs is accompanied with enthusiasm and anticipation.