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    05-01-01 General Information

    I will use the word “senses” to designate only those perceptions that are also called “physical senses”. In the everyday language this word “senses” is often applied not only for physical senses, but also to thoughts, emotions and wishes and it brings a lot of confusion in the perceptions and dullness.

    *) The stability and predictability of senses is so strong that a certain “physical body” is added to the imagination; while instability and low predictability of the emotions, thoughts and wishes does not lead to imagining “a body of emotions, thoughts and wishes”. If a combination of senses “to open eyes” is followed by a combination “to lower the head”, it results in the combination of senses “to see the belly”. “I move my finger to the belly” is followed by “a touch of a finger to the belly”, when there is “I see how my finger touches my belly”.

    *) Combination of senses is easily divided into large groups: eyesight, hearing, smell, taste to “bodily senses”, “sexual excitement” and others. They can be further subdivided (often quite conditionally) into smaller groups, for example in “physical senses” “hunger”, “thirst”, “pain” etc can be recognised.

    *) The borders of physical senses are designated as “borders of the visible body”. As a result of practice of the eradication of distresses and experiencing EPs there emerge senses outside of the visible borders of the body. It is especially well manifested while practicing recurring “certainty” (when the inflexible position of the mechanical differentiating conscience is shaken and it results in enlightened differentiating conscience). For example, practicing “not-rivers”, “not-mountains” may result in physical senses far outside of the visible borders of the body – on the top of a tree, or all over the surface of a mountain and so on. Senses of “the sphere of emptiness” can be much more distinct than the senses of the “physical body”.

    *) As a result of experiencing EPs a huge sphere of new senses emerges that are designated as “physical experiences” (PhE). The range of PhE is very large (see the list of some of them in the chapter “List of enlightened perceptions) and they resonate with EPs.

    *) Every person nearly continuously experiences NEs or NB and because of this their lives are full of “negative physical senses” (NPS) and the duration and intensity of NPS increases with age. The age itself is not important, what is important is the accumulation of time spent with NEs. NPS include such senses like “physical listlessness”, “physical heaviness”, unpleasant sleepiness and different unhealthy senses; as a result illnesses and senility develop and life becomes a living death, a “decomposition of the physical body while still alive”.

    If instead of NEs you start experiencing PhEs, then with age NPS only decreases and then totally disappears and gives way to “enlightened physical senses” (EPS) and PhE. Accordingly, the number of illnesses will reduce and even disappear, including those that are considered “incurable”. EPS includes “muscle joy”, cheerfulness, “physical freshness”, “vitality”, “physical enjoyment” and so on.

    *) It is easy to confuse EPS of “physical enjoyment” and the EP of blissfulness as quite often they are experienced simultaneously. When their intensity and frequency increases, distinguishing them becomes easier.

    *) Similar to EPs, EPS can also be experienced continuously and be free from NPS. Here I do not take into consideration the senses that result from hits, cuts and so on. Here I want to make a point that the first experiences of “sticky blissfulness” demonstrate that even physical pain brings new splashes, though remains an undesirable sense, and causes a happy wish to stop it. The experience of perfect eradication of NEs shows that physical pain and NEs are not “necessarily interconnected”, there is just a strong pattern of feeling negative while in physical pain. This pattern can also be eradicated. Regardless of how strong the physical pain is it is not an insurmountable obstacle for experiencing even ecstatic EPs.

    *) A number of senses are recognised as negative only due to the pattern of feeling negative. However the feeling of hunger up to intensity of 7 for example, distinctly resonates with EPs providing automatic NEs related to this feeling of hunger are perfectly eliminated. It is also right for the feeling of a full urinary bladder, which is escorted with the wish to urinate (providing it does not exceed a certain level of intensity otherwise it will cause NPS) as it resonates with both EPS and EPs. It is similar for many other senses.

    *) EPs resonate radiantly with a group of happy wishes that are designated as a happy wish of “physical activity” (PhA). People seldom have a happy wish of PhA because firstly, they continuously experience NEs and NB and secondly they are captives of concepts how “it is right to train” and to “have a healthy lifestyle”. People have no clarity that only the happy wish of PhA brings EPS, while a mechanical wish of PhA unavoidably leads to frequent injuries, NEs and intensified NPS.

    *) If a person has continuous or almost continuous EPs and EB, the happy wish of PhA can be intensive and frequent for months or sometimes it can disappear for months. In any case the ratio of NPS decreases, the ratio of EPS increases and the body becomes more and more beautiful, sexually attractive and sensual.

    *) There are innumerable concepts regarding food. Meanwhile, the ratio of EPS is growing and of NPS is dropping only if you eat happily what you want while eliminating distresses i.e. eating if it is in accordance with the happy wishes and not a false concept of a healthy lifestyle. What, when and how much you eat does not affect NPS or EPS frequency. The problem here (like realisation of many other wishes) consists in recognising mechanical and happy wishes to eat – see the chapter about wishes.

    *) Some senses resonate with EPs at a given moment and some do not. If we recognise them we can create complexes of senses that will work as enlightened factors, which resonate EPs (e.g., music collections, pieces of art, photos, movements, etc., that will resonate with certain EPs).

    *) It is generally accepted to consider some “physical body” manifestations to be unconditionally unpleasant. For example, perspiration odour is recognized as unpleasant but this is wrong. The more frequent and intensively EPs are experienced, the more pleasant the person’s odours and tastes are. With certain skills (and significant freedom from NEs) and good assumptions it is possible to work out exactly what NEs this person experiences from their odour even if the reaction time is very short. As soon as somebody has strong NEs then in a few minutes the body will have unpleasant odours.

    *) In ordinary dreams or unstable “lucid dreams” (LD) our senses are blurred and unsteady. But in LDs and “out-of-the-body-experiences” (OBE) that are escorted by EPs, senses remain and become more versatile, distinct, fresh, resonating stronger with EPs, no less steady than in the state of “being awake”. For example, when you leave the body you can be on the top of a snowy mountain and experience an ordinary sense of being cold, but you will not have the NEs of “feeling cold” and other NPS. The false interpretation of “the world of dreams” ceases to exist and you acquire clarity that these are real and comprehensive worlds with unlimited possibilities for travelling in the land of EPs. These are incredibly beautiful, intriguing and diverse worlds, closed to those who do not experience radiant EPs but who have chosen to have NEs and to stagnate in a smelly pile of distresses.

    *) When you experience long and exceptionally strong, ecstatic EPs together with sense of intensive enjoyment, there may appear a feeling of unbearable and specific “exhaustion”, resonating with the thoughts “my body is not ready for such perceptions” and a wish to take a break and to adapt your body gradually to such EPs. There may even appear a high temperature with effects of fever, an unusual sense of “excessive burning from inside”. This state I designate as “physical transformation” (PhT). Characteristic differences of PhT from sickness are:

    1) rapid temperature increase, not accompanied with “feeling worse”,

    2) doctor’s examination will not reveal any problems with health; all criteria (except temperature) are normal,

    3) there are many happy wishes of PhA and many EPS. You want to dart off and run in the forest but if you try to do it, you discover that your body is weak as it usually happens when you have a high temperature,

    4) surprisingly, high temperatures resonates with EPs,

    5) if EPs intensify, “the high temperature senses” increase as well,

    6) clarity is above usual, freedom from distresses appears,

    7) EPs are generated easily, mostly on their own,

    8) high temperature ceases abruptly, without gradual “recovery”.

    Less intensive PhT happens without any noticeable temperature increase or not it at all. As a rule, high temperature happens only during the first ten PhT experiences. The more intensive the feeling of “excessive burning from inside” and the sooner the adjustment of the body, the higher the temperature is. This is why I do not recommend doing anything to lower it due to the fears of unwelcome consequences, it is better to orientate on your happy wishes. As a rule, a happy wish to cease the temperature increase with the help of anti-fever remedies happens only if it is higher than 39.5 C°. As a result of PhT the feeling of specific “exhaustion” from the long and intensive EPs will disappear, an amazing sense of “transparency”, freshness, “bodily delight” and “bodily enjoyment” (these are different perceptions) will get stronger.

    *) In a LD you can live a few days or even a few weeks of a full life, the description of this life can fill a whole book, while in the real world only a few minutes may pass. This observation matches the fact that after physical transformation the intensity life increases significantly, it is full of discoveries and new undertones of EPs. One hour accommodates more than a whole day; this can easily be seen in the reports. On the basis of the above, a conclusion can be made that “duration of time” depends mostly on the condition of the “physical body” – the less NPS, the more EPS there are and the more full life is.

    *) Minor NPS can be eradicated the same way as NEs. When practicing you learn to get rid of stronger NPS, though they appear less and less while you eradicate NEs and experience EPs. For example, being in EPs, you can remain for a few hours in an “uncomfortable position” in such a posture, that for an ordinary person (that is the one with NEs and NB) only a few minutes are required to get NPS. In this position you will go on feeling EPS and NPS will not appear. Vitality, stamina of the body develops beyond imagination while you eradicate NEs and experience EPs (especially of the ecstatic quality). If earlier you could get tired after walking for just half an hour, then now you can walk very fast or run day and night over mountains without stopping and in spite of muscle fatigue keep experiencing both EPS and a happy wish to move and enjoy PhA. Upon realisation of a happy wish of such seemingly “over exertion” NPS do not appear in spite of the possible excessive muscular tiredness. After such exertion the recovery is very rapid.

    *) Happy wishes of PhA (in total accordance with laws of happy wish realisation) do not decrease if you do not have a chance to realize them now, and even if you have to sit on a chair all day long for half a year, still you will feel great and experience physical enjoyment the same as if you were running all through the forests, fields or hills as much as you like. This is why even if you are a cripple without arms and legs or bedridden; you will have a continuous bodily enjoyment, EPS, freshness, muscular joy.

    *) If you are doing yoga, sport or any other physical activity and follow a certain schedule of sleeping, eating and so on but the reason for that is not a happy wish but concepts of “healthy life style” then EPS will decrease while NPS will increase. EPS will always be revealed providing PhA is perfect, that it is escorted with a happy wish.

    05-01-02 Enjoyment

    Physical enjoyment is easily revealed in the centre of the chest, throat and near the heart in the form of circles with a diameter of 10 to 20 centimetres, with the strongest enjoyment in the centre of these circles. While you keep cultivating this enjoyment and practicing elimination of distresses, new regions appear in the body where enjoyment reveals more distinctly. In the elbow joint, wrists, back of the hand, soles of the feet and so on.

    Direct generating of enjoyment can be inefficient as the senses will be quite blurry and enjoyment will be only partial and it will bring tiredness. It is due to a lack of sufficient experience and instead of generating enjoyment, which is not related to any physical tension, unnoticeable by myself, I will make an effort as if forcing it. This is why the optimum way of cultivating enjoyment is called “attention and anticipation escort” – as soon as enjoyment emerges as a result of EPs or EB, I concentrate my attention on it, anticipating the investigation. If it develops in the neighbouring regions, I keep my attention on the original location, the enjoyment intensifies where I concentrate; this is why I can choose which part of my body to develop.

    Enjoyment resonates intensively with an image of golden radiation from the body, in this case it is also worthwhile not to generate it directly but support it with your attention, when it appears spontaneously as a result of a resonance with enjoyment. Then it is not a blurry image that makes you tired if you support it but clear and if you concentrate on it, it intensifies both the image and enjoyment.

    Investigation of the enjoyment and its cultivation resonates and is logically connected with other extremely interesting investigations. Their description is in the second book; they complement each other.

    As EPs spontaneously lead to enjoyment, and vice versa, both directly and by chain links “enjoyment” = “anticipation of the new discoveries”, “expecting its intensification and new EPs” = EPs.

    Enjoyment is accompanied with highlights like when you want to squirm with all of your body, this movement is automatic and during its process a wave of intensive enjoyment passes from the lower part to the top of the back. However after that the enjoyment decreases and the decrease can last half a day or a day. This is a good analogy with an orgasm, this is why I recommend that as soon as you satisfy your interest for the waves of enjoyment, cease this “squirming” or do it less frequently. As a result the enjoyment will be consistent, intensive, rich with undertones, lasting for hours or be continuous. While you learn to experience enjoyment without “orgasms” for long periods, new parts of the body become engaged in this process, sometimes with such intense concentration that it even ceases to be experienced as enjoyment, more like a strong, sweet tension. A number of transformations are required to get rid of this tension, though it does not cause any inconvenience, being quite a pleasant, sweet sense. “Orgasms” that happen after being “on the verge of an orgasm” for a while, for example a few hours, are different from those weak waves that seemed to be such intensive waves of enjoyment, they become a powerful flow passing not only over your back but also engage both belly and chest and are a radiant with enjoyment.

    If you hold on the verge of an “orgasm” for a long period, there emerges a very powerful wish of physical and psychological activity, you are in a condition when you can do and experience 5 times more than earlier during the same amount of time. A feverish taint will disappear soon, especially if you immediately manage your actions, while life remains more consistent.